Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I book/hire a bouncy castle from Shelly N Dee Bouncy Castle Hires?
A: To hire a bouncy castle from us you can book online here on our website. Check availability of the castle/product you wish to hire and enter all your personal details and party times. You can call us on 07895035033 02086975405 or by email at
Q: How much notice do I have to give if I want to book a castle?
A: If booking online 48 hours notice is required. No notice is required if booking by any other method.
Q: Do I have to set up the castle myself?
A: We will delivery, set up an collect your castle within your specific hire times. At the time of booking please ensure you inform us of any parking restrictions, stairs or other access restrictions that will affect the set up of the castle.
Q: How long does it take to set up/pack up the castle?
A: It can take 15 - 30 minutes to set up the castle depending on access restrictions.
Q: How much space will I need?
A: The space required is different for each castle. Our website states the width, length & height of each castle and also the space required.
Q: How are the castles powered?
A: Castles are powered by electric fans. Electric points are required in close proximity of where you wish the castle to be set up. If the electric points are further than 25 metres from the castle's set up point, please call us before booking.